19th Annual Charity Golf Outing
When: Saturday July 20th, 2024
Where: Deer Track Golf Club
Time: 10:00 am (Shotgun Start)
Cost: $75 per Golfer or $300 per Team
Hole Sponsorship: $175
(Submit your individual or team registration online)
(Download the PDF and either mail it to Mulberry Telecommunications or drop it off at our business office to register)

For the 19th straight year, Mulberry Telecommunications, is proud to present our Charity Golf Outing. We appreciate the support of our members, vendors, and community that have made this Golf Outing a lasting success. All proceeds from the charity golf outing are donated to local food banks in our community. If you would like to support our efforts you can do so on many levels (i.e. hole sponsorship, beverage cart sponsorship, volunteering to assist with the event, donation of prizes, etc...
To date we have donated over $69,500 to local charities!
Please contact us at: mulberrytelecommunications@mintel.net for more information.