Mulberry Telecommunications Service Territory

The area shaded in White/Grey is our ILEC territory. This was our original service territory at the time the U.S. Telecommunications Act was enacted in 1996. Any addresses that fall inside of the areas shaded in Yellow are part of our CLEC territory. These areas are subject to a $5/mo. Fiber CLEC Surcharge. The Pink shaded areas are CLEC Pre-Construction Zones and Black shaded areas are potential CLEC builds in the future. Please note construction is happening every day and this map may not be 100% accurate.
Interactive Map
Click the Button below to see what services are available in your neighborhood.
How it works...
get connected
Follow the links to an interactive map to see our current service territory and fiber expansion. From there you can sign up for service or submit an interest form to let us know you would like Mulberry Telecommunications to expand our fiber network to your neighborhood.