technical support
24 Hours a Day. 7 Days a Week.

Internet Support
Below are the best ways to contact us when you experience trouble

(Bottom Right Corner of this page)

Internet Support & FAQ's
My Internet is intermittent or isn't working at all.
First try rebooting your wireless router
1) Unplug the router's power cord
2) Wait 15 seconds
3) Plug your router's power cord back in
4) Wait 1 - 2 minutes and check to see if you have internet again
- If you do not have internet access after completing these steps please call us at 765.296.9900 or use the chat link below for further assistance.
I pay for a Gig but don't achieve a Gig on a speed test.
This is common with wireless devices, as most devices are unable to function at a full Gig currently. Most computers, if newer, can handle a Gig speed when wired directly. The true advantage of a Gig isn’t the speed to one device, but rather the availability of speed to multiple devices running simultaneously on your network.
Perform a speed test here:
I can't login on my webmail account.
First, verify that you are using the correct login information.
If you need to reset your password please call us at 765.296.9900. Please have your account # and other personal information available for account verification purposes.
Wireless router information
We encourage all of our customers to utilize our Ultimate Wi-fi Solution. For more information about Mulberry Telecommunications' wireless router click here.
If you are using your own wireless router, please know that we do not have access to your SSID or Password information. Wireless routers should be replaced every 3 to 5 years depending on the level of use and need for the latest Wi-Fi strength and throughput. These devices also need to be updated on a regular basis to have the latest version of software/firmware which helps with the overall performance of the device. If the firmware is not updated regularly the router can have issues with connection and overall stability of the service. Some updates involve security and could be susceptible to someone hacking your network if not kept up to date. Again, this is why we recommend utilizing our Ultimate Wi-fi Service. Firmware upgrades and router replacement are just a few of the included benefits to you, the consumer.
What factors affect connection speeds?
Getting Fast, reliable Wi-Fi in our home networks is essential. We connect more devices than ever to Wi-Fi, including smart phones, tablets, laptops and a growing list of smart devices, and we use them 24/7 for everything from video streaming..... READ MORE
Quick Start Guides:
How To Videos:
Other Internet Support Information
During normal business hours (M-F 8a-5p) you can reach a technician located in Mulberry. Due to the volume of calls you may have to leave a voice message and wait for the next available technician to return your call. If you attempt to reach us after hours please understand that we outsource our technical support to off site support operators. They will attempt to remedy your problems over the telephone. If they fail to do-so a trouble ticket will be created and the next business day a Mulberry Technician will be dispatched to fix your trouble.
Internet Support
Below are some helpful links and information when troubleshooting:
Internet Operation and Troubleshooting: download DSL Handbook
Inbound Mail Server Settings:
Outbound Mail Server Settings:
Primary DNS Server: (
Seconday DNS Server: (
Alternate Secondary DNS Server: (
Wireless Router ISP Settings
Once you have configured your wireless router, you should write the
settings down (SSID, encryption type/key, admin password, etc) and save
them. A good solution would be to tape the settings to the underside of
the wireless router.Set to "Dynamic" or "DHCP" (not pppoe or static).
If your are having problems with your PC that is not specifically Internet related, there are several local individuals/companies that can assist you. Although we may refer you to one, we do not endorse one over another.
PC Tool Box:
Free Anti-Virus Downloads:
MINTEL does not endorse or make any claims as to the reliability of any 3rd party products and software mentioned nor do we provide any type of support for them. This information is being provided for you as a convenience. It is your responsibility to be informed about the software you install on your machine.