Lifeline Assistance Program

In order to increase the availability of telecommunication and broadband services to all consumers in its ILEC serving area, Mulberry Telecommunications offers a low income assistance program: Lifeline Assistance. Any subscriber who meets the low income eligibility criteria and lives within the Mulberry Telecommunications ILEC service area is eligible for participation in this program.
Telephone Discount: $5.25
To participate in the program, consumers must have an income that is at or below 135% of the federal poverty guidelines or participate in a qualifying state, federal, or Tribal assistance program:
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps or SNAP)
Supplementary Security Income (SSI)
Federal public housing assistance or Section 8 (a Federal Housing Assistance program administered by the Department of Urban Development)
Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefit Programs
Tribal-specific program: Head Start (if income eligibilty criteria are met)
Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance
Food Distribution on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
Tribally-Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy families (TTANF)
All lifeline customers must re-certify their eligibility each year. For information on service assistance eligibility, and application procedures, please contact our office at, 765-296-2885 or 1-866-367-8202.
Visit FCC website for more information.