Scholarship Information
This year Mulberry Telecommunications will award 5 - $1,000 scholarships to High School Seniors that reside with a parent or legal guardian who is receiving residential landline telephone service, internet, or TV from Mulberry Telecommunications and is a member in good standing. (see Scholarship Guidelines for more information)
Scholarship Guidelines
Mulberry Cooperative Telephone Co., Inc., hereinafter referred to as “Mulberry Telecommunications”, developed this scholarship to further the educational opportunities of the children of our members.
Mulberry Telecommunications will award four scholarships this year to high school seniors from among eligible applicants.
The scholarships are a reimbursement program. The value of each scholarship is one thousand dollars. The student must enroll in an accredited institution of higher education or trade school and present paid receipts to Mulberry Telecommunications which will in turn provide reimbursement.
To be eligible for this scholarship a student must:
o Live with a parent or legal guardian who is receiving residential landline telephone service from the Mulberry Telecommunications and is a
member in good standing *
o The student must maintain at least a 2.75 grade point average on a 4.00 scale
o The student must be classified as a full time high school senior
o The scholarship application must be verified by the school’s Guidance Counselor and Principal
o Applications must be received by Mulberry Telecommunications in the time allotted. We will post those dates each year when they become available.
Scholarship winners will be determined by a random drawing of all eligible applicants.
Scholarship winners will be encouraged to attend the Cooperative’s Annual Meeting in April of that school year. Recipients will be notified by Certified US Mail. All questions of eligibility or clarification of the scholarship program should be directed to Mulberry Telecommunications 765-296-2885.
A representative of the Cooperative will attend the recipients’ school awards day to present the scholarship.
* Mulberry Telecommunications “296” exchange
Scholarship Guidelines, Deadlines, and Rules are subject to change.