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Television Support & FAQ's
What is Mintel TV?
Mintel TV is a full streaming television service offered by Mulberry Telecommunications that replaces the IPTV service. Mintel TV is the next generation model of watching your favorite television programming that streams over the internet and is available across multiple types of devices.
Why is Mulberry changing from IPTV to streaming?
Since 2006, Mulberry Telecommunications has been part of a regional headend that delivers IPTV services. Mulberry was notified earlier in 2022 that the headend would no longer be offering those services. After much deliberation and discussion, the decision was made that it would be in the best interest of the company to continue to offer television services but changing to a future forward streaming application that offered more options to our members.
How does it work?
As a streaming television service, Mintel TV requires broadband internet for viewing similar to other streaming services such as Netflix, Hulu, etc. After signing up, login credentials are provided by Mulberry Telecommunications to use before you sign on for the first time. Those credentials will be used on each device within your home network.
Mintel TV operates on ABR (Adaptive Bit Rate) which bases the quality of the stream on the quality of the bandwidth using it. For example, if there is sufficient internet bandwidth an HD channel will come in full HD. If the internet bandwidth is low or impaired, the stream will dynamically change to accommodate the situation and lower the quality of the stream. This ABR technology is what is used on almost all streaming applications today.
The bandwidth per channel required ranges from 256 kbps to 5 Mb/s depending on the ABR connection and the channel itself.
What happens in the conversion process if I am an existing customer?
For current customers, Mulberry is offering a free Amazon Fire Stick 4k Max to replace your existing Set Top Box. If you choose that route, you will need to make sure and have an Amazon account before the conversion. If needed on the day of the conversion, Mulberry will send a technician to your home and switch the STBs for Fire Sticks and get all devices signed in and ready to go. You will also be shown some of the features included with Mintel TV and functionality of the remote.
Can I install Mintel TV myself?
Yes, any customer that feels comfortable to install the app for themselves is welcome to do so. You will need your credentials from Mulberry Telecommunications to sign on. If you are familiar with other streaming services, the Mintel TV sign on should go very smoothly.
What are the features of Mintel TV?
In addition to all the locals, networks, and premium channels you have come to enjoy with Mulberry Telecommunications, Mintel TV also offers additional advantages such as:
Channels not carried by other providers:
Mulberry will continue to offer Marquee Network (Chicago Cubs) and Bally Sports (Indiana Pacers) as part of the television lineup. Mulberry also offers digital multicasts of local broadcast stations such as Antenna TV, Get TV, MeTV, Court TV, and many more. Mintel TV will also have hyper local channels such as the Mulberry Weather Channel, cameras from the area, community channels, ISC Sports Network, etc.
Local customer service:
Mulberry will continue to provide friendly and local service as part of the Mintel TV experience.
Where can I find the Mintel TV app?
Mintel TV is available in all major streaming platforms such as Amazon, Roku, Apple, and Google. It is also available for Apple and Android. Just type “Mintel TV” into your search on the store to download it. It is also available natively on many TVs such as Sony, TGL, and more that use the Android application. Search the store on the TV to find out.
Will I lose any channels from IPTV to Mintel TV?
Almost every channel that was a part of the IPTV platform carries over to Mintel TV. However, there are a select few that are no longer available.
These include:
Entertainment Studio channels
HBO West channels
Also of note, a few channels were put back in their proper packages. Due to relaxed COVID policies, certain channels were able to be put in more populated packages at no extra charge. Those policies have been removed and the requirements for those channels are now back in place. For example, channels such as Disney Jr. and Fox Business were placed back in the Prime Package.
What packages are available?
To view a full list of TV packages, please click here:
To view what is in each package, please click here:
My TV is buffering. What does that mean?
Buffering comes in all shapes and sizes and may indicate trouble with the channel, with the internet, with the WiFi (where applicable), or with the service as a whole. The best first step is to change the channel to verify if the trouble continues. If it does, it will be a bigger issue. If it does not, the channel itself may be the problem.
If you are using WiFi devices, there are variables within a home network that can also cause issues. The best first step there is to test other devices. If they are working as expected, perhaps it is the WiFi to the Mintel TV streaming device. If the other device is not working as expected, it could be the entire network. A reboot of the router could be required.
If the Mintel TV service is having global issues, Mulberry will communicate with customers using social media and Reach Alert. Reach Alert can be sent to email, phone, or text or all three. We encourage all customers to sign up for Reach Alert. To do so, please click here:
Utilizing the "Home" button on streaming devices.
The home button is a great trouble shooting tool. If the Mintel TV app has become sluggish or you are simply unsure what button to push, you can utilize the "Home" button on your streaming devices remote control. This will take you back to the main page of the streaming device. From there you can simply select the Mintel TV app and start over.
My Device or Remote is not responding. How do I fix it?
If your device, i.e. Firestick, Roku, Apple TV, etc.. becomes unresponsive, a simple reboot of the device should remedy the problem. To reboot, simply unplug the device from its power source, wait 5 seconds and plug it back in.
*Best Performance List
Fire TV Stick 4K Max
Fire TV Stick 4K
*Mulberry is actively testing multiple devices and platforms to keep you up to date on how to have the best streaming experience when using the Mintel TV app. As of today, we have found the 4k versions of the Amazon Firestick seem to have the best response. We will continue to update this list as more devices have been thoroughly tested.
Look Back TV:
Look Back TV is an on-demand feature that allows you to go back in time and watch previously aired content for up to 24, 48, or 72 hours (depending on the network).
*Not all networks have Look Back TV available
Restart TV:
Restart TV is another on-demand feature that allows you to go to the beginning of a program if you start watching at any point after it starts. There is an icon in the EPG that will designate whether Restart TV is an option.
*when available
Network DVR is a cloud based feature that stores your recordings of television programming on your account. Similar to PVR functionality, the main difference is that nDVR allows you to share content across all devices on your account. All customers receive 50 hours of storage with their Mintel TV service.
*Of note, there are certain channels that do not allow recording such as HBO/Cinemax.
nDVR service upgrades are:
100 hours: $ 4.99
250 hours: $ 9.99
500 hours: $14.99
Multiple devices, multiple streams:
As a customer with Mintel TV, you receive 3 streams as part of your package. This means you can stream to any 3 devices simultaneously within your home. You are free to mix and match but no more than 3. If you would like more than 3, all additional streams are $2/stream/month.
Additional Resources:
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