Directory Listings
Telephone Service
Residential Voice
Business Voice
Featured Voice
(Includes Caller ID, Call Waiting Voicemail, & Touchtone)
Long Distance
$ 18.30 / mo.
$ 18.50 / mo.
$ 25.50 / mo.
$ .08 / min.
*Prices exclude Taxes, Surcharges, Features, & Government Fees.
Calling Features
Caller ID Number
Caller ID Name & Number
Caller ID + Call Waiting
Caller ID + Voicemail
Call Waiting
Call Forwarding
Call Forwarding Busy
Teen Service
Touch Tone
$ 3.75
$ 5.25
$ 6.25
$ 7.00
$ 3.75
$ 1.75
$ 1.75
$ 1.75
$ 3.50
$ 1.50
* Rates listed are for residential customers only. Business Line calling features may be additional.

Porting your telephone number to Mulberry Telecommunications is FREE. However, if you cancel and do not do so within 72 hours of the scheduled port date, you will be charged as follows:
LNP Cancellation Fees
LNP Cancellation – if LNP is cancelled at least 72 hours before scheduled port date = $0.00
LNP Cancellation – if LNP is cancelled 48 hours before scheduled port date = $15.00 per number
LNP Cancellation (Expedite) – if LNP is cancelled 24 hours before scheduled port date = $75.00 per number
LNP Cancellation (Snapback)* – if LNP is cancelled on the scheduled port date = $300.00 per number
*Snapbacks are subject and dependent on the losing carrier's agreement to reinstate the number on the port date.