Watch TV Everywhere
Included with your Mulberry TV Subscription

*95+ Streaming Channels
With your paid subscription to Mulberry TV
Take your TV on the Go!
Stream Hit Series and Movies
Watch On Demand
*Channels are based on your TV Package
and availability. Not all channels in your
TV lineup are available on WTVE.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is WatchTVEverywhere?
WatchTVEverywhere has a lot of different definitions. For us, it is TV programs that are available on something other than a TV set. That means your PC, laptop, iPad, iPhone or Android.

How much does it cost?
Nothing. At this time, there is no extra cost for WatchTVEverywhere so feel free to explore. There is nothing available at this site that will result in an extra cost to you (except overage charges from your cellular carrier). You only need to be a subscriber to the TV network. This may change over time depending on the requirements made by the individual TV networks.
Where can I WatchTVEverywhere?
The answer is just about Everywhere. WatchTVEverywhere works anywhere you can receive an Internet signal: inside your house, at the office, shopping mall, hotel, airport, vacation home, etc. Wired connections and in-home WiFi will provide the best quality. The quality of WatchTVEverywhere signals while roaming (airports, stores, etc.) will vary depending on the strength of the signal. Be extra careful when you travel, especially outside the US. Data roaming charges may apply to networks that allow access outside the US and they can be very expensive.
What programs are available?
Different networks make different programs available at different times. Each TV network makes their own decision about what to make available on WatchTVEverywhere. For example, the live feed of CNN is available. However, the live feed of Nickelodeon is not. Instead, Nickelodeon offers full episodes of their popular programs.
Why aren't all programs available?
A TV network doesn't necessarily own all of the rights to all of the programs they transmit. A TV network may have the right to transmit a movie, but only to TV sets, not on WatchTVEverywhere. So, once again, it depends on the TV network.
Will other networks become available?
Yes. We are working with many different program providers to expand the number of networks and the number of programs available on WatchTVEverywhere. Registered users are presented with a complete list of all the networks available to them. You will see them automatically when they are added.
How many different devices can I use?
There is no limit to the number of devices you can use. However, TV networks may limit the number you can use at the same time.
Which devices can I use?
Almost all WatchTVEverywhere programs are available on PC, laptop, iPad, iPhone and Android phone. Several TV Networks are also now available on Apple TV, Roku, and XBox. However, some TV networks have not made their programs available on all devices. Visit your device's app store and search by the network name for available applications.
How do I use WatchTVEverywhere?
It is easy to start using WatchTVEverywhere. The first step is registration.
1. Select your TV provider from the drop down menu and click on Submit.
2. Click on "Register." You will need two pieces of information to register:
* Your account number
* The correct spelling of the last name on the account.
If you are unsure of your account # please call our business office at 765.296.2885
3. You will be asked to provide an email address. (This will be your user name.) This can be any valid email address.
4. You will need to provide a password.
5. Next select a password reset question.
6. Then supply the answer to the password reset question.
7. Click on Register.
8. Now, check the email address you just provided.
* You will find an email message with your WatchTVEverywhere activation link. Click on the link to complete the registration process.
You are done and can begin to enjoy WatchTVEverywhere.
To WatchTVEverywhere,
Click on Log In.
Enter your username and password.
Select the TV Network you want to watch. Click on the network and you will see a list of the available programs.
Available Watch TV Everywhere
Channels (as of 8/9/2021)

Channels based on TV Package & Availability
Not all Networks currently offer Watch TV Everywhere